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Loopity Loops (and how to offset em')

Greetings fellow metrologists

I would like some help on my loop problem.
I have to create a loop to measure many parts simultaneously. I have done this before, but it was cylindrical parts, so it was quite easy to create the offsets in the loops.
But now i have this not-so-round part and its coordinatesystem doesnt match cmm axis
so im not quite sure how to go about this problem.
(see picture for part coordinates and how i will place them on the cmm). they will be placed in mulitple rows.

ty guys, u always help me

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  • i dont get this to work.. Disappointed
    when i import my model i have the orgin where i want it to be.
    then i make a alignment off the base plate and the part coordinate system switches place from cad model to the measured plane/circle like the picture.
    then i manually probe my part (in dcc) and align to those elements.
    but the cad doesnt snap back onto the cad part
    do i need to do some offsets or CAD=PART?

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  • i dont get this to work.. Disappointed
    when i import my model i have the orgin where i want it to be.
    then i make a alignment off the base plate and the part coordinate system switches place from cad model to the measured plane/circle like the picture.
    then i manually probe my part (in dcc) and align to those elements.
    but the cad doesnt snap back onto the cad part
    do i need to do some offsets or CAD=PART?

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