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PC DMIS exported excel measurements problem

Hello, I'm using the PC DMIS software along with the DEA TORO PERFORMANCE.
I have a beforehand written code that I have to make measurements about, and after all of the measurements I create to file one pdf and one xlsx files. The problem is that PDF and XLSX files measurement values somehow different from each other. Only the measurements values, because of that div, and out tolerance values different too.

I compared the pdf and xlsx measurement values, and the numbers in pdf match with the numbers in the DMIS code measurements. But the xlsx. not. Only the nominal dimension values, tolerance+, tolerance- fields are same. But the measured values are slightly different, because of that div, and out tolerance values are getting wrong too.

I thought that the problem is with the when exporting the excel itself. But it's not. Because I created a simple code doing some measurements and wrote it by myself and when I exported them in pdf and excel again. They were exactly the same.

And now I don't know what to do, could someone please help me to figure it out. This excel output is really bothering me, because I have to make reports based on them.

Appreciate any help you can provide!
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