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2021.2 CAD++ constantly crashing

2021.2 CAD++ Service Pack 6 constantly crashing

I can usually open about 4-5 different programs and then PCDMIS completely crashes. The programs aren't open at the same time. I'll open one, run, edit, or nothing, close it and then open up a new one that I need to work on. After about 3-5 times PCDMIS crashes and I have to restart the entire computer to get PCDMIS to start up again.

Is this something anyone else is dealing with?
  • What about latest ones though? 2021 R2 & 2022? It is them we have problems with. Hexagon added a myriad of stuff to these versions we will never use only helped increased complexity & no surprise crashes. If that continues we'll be looking outside of Hexagon when needing another cmm.
  • i hate to say it but despite the crashes, PCDMIS is still a superior product to just about all other softwares out there. The reporting ability alone is legions better than anything else out there. A few softwares do a few small things better, but overall as a package, PCDMIS has them all beat.
  • V3.7MR4 is about the best. I can go MONTHS without any issues.
    That being said, programming a round slot will once in a while, cause Pcdmis to 'close without warning', but once it does that, you are good until the next time you reboot the computer.
  • I'm running 2021.2 sp 4 CAD++ and have no such issue on three machines, one of them offline so lots of editting.

    Different service pack, but new-ish version. Lots of GD&T in the new engine, as well as legacy. 2-3 different programs per day, start Monday, shut down Saturday, no crash in between.

    Few crashes while programming offline, with lots of copy/paste/delete and variables. I don't really script, so nothing there.

    For the guy that can't open a program and then magically can, I'd bet it is a Windows subsystem thing, some process running while you start PcDmis (or not running) causes a crash and then the opposite is happening and you can start. Maybe a windows update is pushed silently to start and end that cycle.
    Currently I have 5 apps open and 142 background processes in Windows. This is where I program offline and is my computer for everything.
    This makes it hard to trace down crashes, as one application crashing doesn't necessarily mean it is something IN that applications code that is killing it.
    Add all the hardware mods from one PC to another and it gets really difficult, much of it out of Hexagon's control (at least for off-line stations).

    Could be a windows thing here as well.

    Stack problem with the RAM, if PcDmis isn't good at clean-up when you open and close cmm programs, you could hit a problem area in a stick of RAM.
    Hard drive, also same as above if you are on pagefile at the time it dies.
    Pagefile outright if something is wrong there and it is trying to HD read/write for PcDmis AND the pagefile simulatneously.

    PcDmis is known to be the least stable option, so could easily be something in SP6.

    Maybe something in SP6 with a dll that you don't have updated, or you do have updated beyond where they tested and the rest of us use.

    Lots of possibilities.

    I'd have my IT start running through windows and pcdmis logs of crashes looking for a common thread to attack. I can't have it crash that often, I'd go crazier than I am.

    Switch version/SP and see if that still happens.

    Don't know if you can go up, but you can go down to 2021.1.
    You lose some functionality, but if 2021.1 release, SP3 and SP6 are all stable, you know it is something with 2021.2.
    Wipe it and re-install .2 release. If that is stable, start putting in service packs.
    If you get to 6 and it starts dying again, open a ticket with hexagon sending them the crash reports and reinstall to 2021.2 sp5.

    A lot of effort on your part, but over time it will be less, eventually.

    Good luck.
  • Mine its 2019 R1 and i haven't faced any issues so far Slight smile
  • You could start with disabling the homepage, see if that will do anything for you (I never use it).
  • does it matter if i run in admin mode?

    I believe I was once told by a calibration tech that was doing the yearly PM at my old job that PC-DMIS should always be run in Admin mode.
  • I don't know about CAD++, but PC-DMIS in general is now 10% less crashy with the new-and-improved Admin size.
  • I wonder if that's the problem. I don't understand why there's a difference, but I'm going to run in Admin mode from now on. Let's see what happens.