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pcdmis CMM machine time

Hi guys!
So my boss is considering buying another cmm (yaySlight smile) and we re getting some new jobs that requieres a lot of control in CMM.
So we want facts and numbers.
Basically i wanna know how many hours during a specified time (ex. per day, or during august - december) the CMM is in use. (measuring)
If this is not stored in the machine/pcdmis i guess i would have assign the runtime to excel or something. but im not sure how to go about this.

It would also be nice to have a log thats a bit more comprehensive. For example that i could check during a time period, how many hours the CMM was in use, which programs were used, how many times they were runned, and runtime of the programs etc. Has anyone done this or something similar?

you guys always help me - thanks for ur help - if it werent for you guys i would be nothing
  • Log Book

    When I was trying to justify an offline license that's what I had to do. Wrote down what program I was running, setup time and programming time every day for a few months.
    If you're anticipating an increase in CMM usage, make sure to ask what's the backup plan if your one and only CMM goes down.

    Also used the log to justify getting some more grid plates so that running a program and setting up the next job could be done at the same time.
  • Yeah i need something like that, thats automated.
    so i can go back and see that during december month and see which programs were played, how many times they were played and total runtime of the programs
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