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Surface and Edge in Line autofeature

I understand the line vector, but can someone please explain what the surface and edge vector parameters are for? I would expect to see one or the other but not both. I don't know what each one is for...
  • Green fields are the vector of the surface. Imagine that you have a line on your roof, pointing straight north. If your roof has no pitch, the green fields would be 0,0,1. If your roof has a 1:1 pitch the green fields might be 0.7071,0,0.7071.
  • The auto features were originally designed for sheet metal - if you keep this in mind they become easier to work with.

    ALL auto features have a surface vector. This is the vector of the surface the feature lies in, again, think of measuring a hole in (or a line on the edge of) a thin part.

    The Auto Line has two additional vectors.

    The line vector is the direction of the line itself. The edge vector is the direction of the edge where the probe will actually contact (if you use sample hits you may also probe on the top surface, and from this measurement you will precisely control the depth where the hits are taken).

  • from core manual :

    For a line feature: The IJK Surface boxes help define the edge for the auto line hits. Specifically, it defines the surface perpendicular to the surface on which the hits for the line are taken. In other words, it is always perpendicular to the edge vector. See "Example of Auto Line Vectors".

    The IJK Edge boxes define the approach direction (vector) for the edge hit or for the points of an auto line. This is a user supplied I, J, K measured vector. The I, J, K should always point away from the edge and be perpendicular to the edge that is being measured.

    The Line boxes display the vector of the line on which the angle point or line lies. This is a user supplied I, J, K normal vector.​