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measuring a countersink

Good evening Pcdmis masters, I`m fairly new to Pcdmis, and i would love to get some help , I am trying to measure a Countersink Dia at the intersection of the top surface on this part, the available area is very limited and the thread leads are not clocked to the model to get an auto cone reading accurately, is there any method i can use to first identify the rotation of the the double lead thread and then construct a cone avoiding the thread lead`s in order to get an accurate reading? any tips will be appreciated ,thanks in advance
  • I forgot a bracket in the assignment Disappointed
    The result of a dot product between two vectors is the product of the length of both vectors by the cosine of the angle between them.
    So if you use UNIT, the length is 1, a vector using .IJK is 1, so the dot product gives the cosine. ACOS gives the angle.

    Could you share values of center ball, so that I can check all the assignments.
    Even if 0.00009 is very small, it should be zero, so maybe I'm wrong in an assignment (I wrote this from my memory, I wasn't at the cmm... !)
  • the values for the center ball are 34.42939,.000457,.00009 , one thing i didn`t mention ,i used 3mm and 5mm as 4 was not available until this week, could be that my problem? thank you so much , i tried that bracket and it turned blue but i was not sure if it was correct, oh god this is intense Slight smile thanks for double checking.
  • the values for the center ball are 34.42939,.000457,.00009 , one thing i didn`t mention ,i used 3mm and 5mm as 4 was not available until this week, could be that my problem? thank you so much , i tried that bracket and it turned blue but i was not sure if it was correct, oh god this is intense Slight smile thanks for double checking.
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