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"Default" Math Vs "Legacy"?

What are we calling the new default Geo-Tol math? "New Math"? "Default Math"?
I remember this gun fight a loooong time ago, it ended up bad for Hexagon and us also.
what I mean is:
The "New Math" best fits a little too aggressive for me compared to "Legacy". Last time I had reports coming out with perfect true position our customer Lockheed Martin mopped the floor with Pc-Dmis and started the whole ISO Best-Fit shootout, disallowing us to use Pc-Dmis best fit algorithms. The "New Math" best fits also. Here is a comparison:

What do you think?
and can we come up with a disparaging term like "New Math" other than "Geo-Tol"? or "Geo out-of Tol"?

  • Zeiss painted themselves into this corner a long time ago. Intending to make CMM programming accessible to a broader group of human types, they built rigid inflexibility into their software at a very rudimentary level. A strong point of Pc-Dmis is user control of probing and mathematical evaluations of that data in a very good spectrum of manufacturing. Perhaps a radio button enabling the use of Datum shift or added bonus after the evaluation?

    What do I do with my pitchfork and torch now?

  • In my experience, having corrected probably more than a thousand errors in PC-DMIS programs, most programmers don't understand the math well enough to make correct programs. Having the software limit options so that it is easier to do right is generally a good idea. You can always use legacy if you need a better idea of what's happening yourself.
  • In my experience, having corrected probably more than a thousand errors in PC-DMIS programs, most programmers don't understand the math well enough to make correct programs. Having the software limit options so that it is easier to do right is generally a good idea. You can always use legacy if you need a better idea of what's happening yourself.
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