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Transform in 3.6 ver.

Hi all
I have a very urgent situation, can anyone tell me where in version 3.6 you can shift the coordinate system to the cad? In newer versions the transformation dialog box was used for this, but in version 3.6 there is simply no such​
  • Nope, there isn't any such animal in V3.6. You can either:

    Get your cad people to give you the model in the setup you want
    Do it with your alignment

    To do it with your alignment, align the cad model to the cad values (nominals) either with an iterative alignment or a 3-2-1. If you do the 3-2-1, you may need to do CAD=PART (iterative alignment 'includes' this as part of the alignment.

    Then you simply measure the features you want/need to set up the co-ordinate system you want an align to them (3-2-1) and offset the origins as needed but DO NOT do CAD=PART for this.

    So, if the 'top' surface of the cad is 123.56 in Z, you align to it using that offset. Then, after that alignment, you simply measure it again, level to it, then offset it to the value you want it, but no CAD=PARt and the cad data will now reflect that alignment. If you called the top Z0, the cad will show Z0 when you pick on it.
  • Thanks! That should be enough to solve the problem​.