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Simple Question: Should I re-measure alignment features to Report them?

I am measuring a datum cylinder for my alignment. First doing a manual alignment then dcc alignment both using the cylinder. To report the diameter of the cylinder is it acceptable to use the dcc measurement of it that was used for the dcc alignment? I guess this is more of a good practice type of question. Thanks in advance.

  • You are quick. So the fact that the dcc alignment takes place after the dcc measured cylinder and there is only a manual alignment prior to it wont hurt? I'm thinking that the measurement will somehow be controlled by the manual alignment which took place before it and may not be as precise as if it was measured after the dcc alignment and controlled by the dcc alignment. I honestly don't know how the alignments effect a measured cylinder though so I may just be autistic here.

    So I understand your hesitation. There's an easy way to puts your fears to rest. Test it. Write a program that remeasures your feature twice in the program. Report the results. I have found that if you are checking a feature the same exact way, whether or not you use it as a DCC alignment feature, the results are the same.
  • Test before you choose it. I agree with this.
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