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Hi Aaron,
Neil is out his week and Don has forwarded your forum post to me for investigation.
The issue you describe is not really bug. When reporting ISO position we look at all of the hit data from the plane to calculate the worst value. I think you have established this fact.
The expression you have in the program will give the centroid of the plane and not the actual worst deviation. If you wanted to extract the measured value of the dimension the correct syntax would be QA1637.SEGMENT[1].FEATURE[1].MEAS
To extract the measured Z value is a little more involved as that information is not available from the command itself, it is acquired from the label of the dimension using the extended d types command called GETTEXTEX topics%2FString_Functions.htm&rhsearch=GETTEXT&rhh lterm=GETTEXT&rhsyns=%20
Using GETTEXTEX("REPORT_LABEL_MEAS",1,"SEG=1",{QA1637}). This is the label column, we are looking for the first instance of segment 1 and the last field is the dimension name.
The report label however has 2 measured value the Z value and the true position value so it will return a string
That might work. If you just want the Z value then you can use some string functions to only take the first value as they are separated by a linefeed (CHR(10))
On the report you will see
I can understand this might seem complex, but the geometric tolerance command (and previously XactMeasure) don’t have all the data in the edit window like legacy dimensions. The data is within the report label.
I will ask the developers tomorrow if there is an easier option, but I doubt it. If there is I will mail you again.
I hope this helps,. If required feel free to reach out direct
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