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2022.1SP6 Parallelism issue

I have 2 planes, PL1 is datum A (primary using minimax), and PL2 constructed from 7 basic scan/circle/plane. (least square, but it shouldn't change anything !)
Using geotol, it gives 7,1 µm
using legacy, it gives 35,1 µm
using assignments (ASSIGN/V1=DOT(PL2.HIT[1..PL2.NUMHITS].XYZ-PL1.XYZ,PL1.IJK) , then ASSIGN/V2=MAX(V1)-MIN(V1)), it gives 36,1 µm.
Then, constructing 7 planes from scans and construct a plane from their centroids, it gives about 8 µm (so I'm wondering if geotol uses them to calculate instead of hits ?)

Don Ruggieri , neil.challinor
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  • Sorry, not yet. We're currently at a crucial stage in our development cycle so I haven't had chance to investigate yet.
  • and
    I finally got chance to take an initial look at this problem and it looks like the reason the feature doesn't update is because it has a space in the feature name rather than anything to do with the .. syntax. In VPT's screenshot, his feature is named PLAN MOTSATT A3 (notice the spaces). Similarly, in the routine he shared with me, his plane is named PLAN B (again, notice the space). If I add an ASSIGN/V1=PLAN B.NUMHITS assignment to VPT's routine, it turns red because it doesn't recognise the feature. As soon as I edit the feature name (either delete the space or replace it with an underscore) the plane updates, the numhits assignment returns a value and the error messages from the associated geometric tolerance commands disappear.
  • I'm working offline on 2020 r2 initial release. This still doesn't work.

  • I'm working offline on 2020 r2 initial release.

    I'd strongly advise you upgrade. If you're not able to move to the most recent version, you should at least move to the most recently available 2020 R2 Service Pack. We made a number of significant functionality improvements and updates to the underlying GD&T library over the course of 2020 R2. The most notable would be to allow 2D features (lines circles and slots) as datums so as to better support our vision systems (since you are typically limited to only being able to measure 2D features when using a camera). We also changed the way in which slots are handled. In the initial release of 2020 R2 and in older versions using XactMeasure, slots were treated as circles - meaning that only the centroid was considered, not the orientation of the slot. From 2020 R2 SP1 onwards, slots are treated as pre-resolved widths and there is an additional toggle in the dialog to decide whether you want to consider the slot length-wise or width-wise.
  • neil.challinor But the spaces are in the "destination" feature (the feature created from the NUMHITS features), there are no spaces in the NUMHITS source features. So, if you change the syntax to [1..FEATURENAME.NUMHITS], there will be no issues, but if you keep the syntax as [..], it will not work (while keeping the spaces in the feature name).

    I'd assume that removing the spaces in the feature name would make it work too.

    As always, thanks for the update!