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Disappearing Toolbars/ Program won't run for some users.

C DMIS 2020R1

Having a problem where nearly all the toolbars disappear when attempting to run a program when some people are logged in. Program does not run when this occurs. About half the people can run the system normally but the other half are out of luck. This occurs on all programs that we've attempted to use. Tried deleting the gbarstate.dat file in a users login but that didn't change anything. System has been rebooted a couple of times. Programs have not been recently edited.

Regular set of toolbars appears when the measurement routine is opened. When the Execute button is pressed nearly all the toolbars go away and a lot of menu items are greyed out.

Everyone has their own login on the CMM per company policy. I fought and lost that battle years ago. Had issues off and on ever since..
  • There's two view settings. One is during execution and the other is when not executing a routine.

    Even in 2018R2 which is latest rev I am using, there is a bug still in the software, that resets the toolbar layout and stacks all toolbars on top of each other to the left of the screen, for both layouts, IF/WHEN the routine execution ends while the PCDMIS window is MINIMIZED. It's super frustrating, and had high hopes that going from 2012MR1 to 2018R2 would have patched it... NOPE...

    I made ONE saved toolbar layout, called "MASTER" and my minions have been instructed (in writing) to click that toolbar layout button any time they want the view restored back to normal. I also guided them in the written instruction, on how to find the toolbar layout menu bar, if it also disappears.
  • try "shelling" the program and/or turning "Use Program Layout for Execution" ON in "F5". I found doing this then executing the routine corrected this particular bug. Just gotta tickle it a little bit and usually returns back to normal.
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