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Import CSV via Script

This is something I thought would be extremely easy, yet I'm getting no where.

I've tried PartProgram.Import("C:\file\location.csv") as well as PartProgram.Import2("C:\file\location.csv", true)

PartProgram.Import("C:\file\location.step") works as it should for importing CAD.

What am I missing? I've going through the object library and there is no mention of importing a csv but the Import() and Import2() do mention importing another format into the measurement routine.

thanks in advance
  • Many years ago when we transitioned from MM4 to PC-Dmis, we hoped to be able to use the import option to automatically insert Step assignment statements into an executing measurement program. This was a critical for us as most of our measurement programs were parametric. We found that operators would have to manually perform that task, which present a number of risks. I was unable to find a method using PC-Dmis Automation to perform the import. So we came up with another method, using PC-Dmis Automation, for getting part parameters into the generic parametric part measurement program.