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2022.1 sp9

Metrology Software Distribution - /PC-DMIS-Versions/Release/2022.1/SP9/x64> (hexagonmi.com)

Release Notes - 2022.1 SP9

Constructed Features
• PC-DMIS no longer displays the duplicate input features message when you
change elements in the Construct Feature dialog box after you upgraded from a
previous version of PC-DMIS to a newer version. See PCD-242685.
• PC-DMIS now has a scroll bar that you can use to view the entire feature list in the
Pointcloud Operator dialog box. See PCD-242843.
• PC-DMIS now correctly highlights hit data when you use the Construct Feature
dialog box. See PCD-243112.
• You can now create a 1D width from the Construct Width dialog box. See

Dual Arm
• PC-DMIS can now correctly calibrates a contact scanning probe on arm 2 when you
use arm 1 in dual arm mode. See PCD-229565.

Measurement Strategy Editor
• PC-DMIS now saves the settings of a smart parameter when you edit the values in
the measurement strategy widget. See PCD-218289.

• The SEGMENT1_POS.LBL now works correctly for CADONLY.rpt and

Settings Editor
• You can now see the feature labels in the Graphic Display window when you set the
ShowLegacyLabels entry to 0 in the Settings Editor. See PCD-243376.

Summary Mode
• You can now select a measured feature in Summary mode when you select View |
Path Lines from Cursor. See PCD-243573.

View Sets
• PC-DMIS now correctly displays the RECALL/VIEWSET command when you use
copy and paste functionality. See PCD-242276.​