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Position out of the machine stroke limit on Y axis

i can probe this diameter manually.

and it actually starts to probe in DCC but while moving in the +Y direction i get the following error

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  • There are cases where you can manually probe something, yet DCC will not due to the way Pcdmis treats DCC moves based on the PREHIT/RETRACT settings. Unless you use a CHECK command, Pcdmis wants to be able to go TWICE as far as the PREHIT/RETRACT values, if it can not, then it will give that error, even though you can still manually reach & measure it. SO, if you are measuring a circle whose edge is 3mm INSIDE the machine limit, you can measure it manually all day long, BUT, if your PREHIT/RETRACT is set to more than 1.5, then it will pop up that error.
  • Matt... I guess I never thought about it when going in tight places. I ASSumed the Demon would let me drive... (not like Calypso - which likes to throw the programmer out the cockpit, and take total control) The TWICE 'rule of thumb' in DCC is snappy to know. Sunglasses