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Wildcards in variables


Sorry if this is posted before but I am could not find anything :S

I need to delete some files ending in .probe with pcdmis in c:\temp and I would like to use a variable to define all files of this type. Is this possible to do with just the assign variable command or from the delete file command directly? Thanks in advance!
  • Why don't you set something up in Windows Scheduler and run a task, piggybacked off a powershell to delete files with specific file extensions? Then set it up on a schedule.

    The issue is with pcdmis and inspect. Inspect is creating some info files (unrelated to pcdmis and its fanctionality) and updating them at the end of the routine. For whatever reason I am getting an error message that prevents the routines to be completely finished saying that the file (*whateverprobeIamcalibrating*.probe) is being used by another procedure. I saw that if the file exists on the folder on startup and later on is deleted, inspect recreates it at end of routine with no error message. When I autocalibrate in a program 1 single probe I can have pcdmis delete the file but when I am autocalibrating a lot or if others do it without knowning be4hand which probes, it can be messy.

    I know I can create a bat file and a task schedule or even a script from within pcdmis but it would be make so much more sense if I could ask a delete command for all *.probe files
  • Thanks for the tip, I have already 2 .vbs I/O commands in mysub footers and I would like to have a more simple solution but it's ok I guess! I got confused with the help of the ** in the assignment assist and I though it can be used as a wildcard but ultimately this is not the case apparently!
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