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Issues with looping, and copy paste with pattern

I am trying to get a program going that has 24 PC'S in a fixture. I know the Distances from center to center and made sure the fixture is straight and level. When I try to loop and paste with pattern it seems like the software is putting small incremental changes in the data so by the time it gets to the third or fourth pocket it cant find the part. I have tried several different ways of aligning the part but I am now stuck. Has anyone experienced this before? I dont have a ton of experience with looping so I may be missing a simple step, but it seems pretty straight forward.
  • Save out x24 external alignments based on where the XYZ origin of your parts are when then are sitting in each part of the fixture.

    Rather than looping the complete code or pasting with pattern, recall these external alignments to move the program to each part location(s), the measuring code will stay the same.
  • Save out x24 external alignments based on where the XYZ origin of your parts are when then are sitting in each part of the fixture.

    Rather than looping the complete code or pasting with pattern, recall these external alignments to move the program to each part location(s), the measuring code will stay the same.