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Alignment Question

Hello. I am trying to better understand how alignments work. For example the advantages of doing multiple alignments vs one single alignment, rotating before translating, etc.

If you don't rotate before you translate, then what XY values does the software use for translation? Does it take the XY values from the alignment the feature was measured in?

Sorry, this question is a bit hard to convey. See, a while back I had a program that gave me different profile results if I translated before I rotated and I'm trying to understand the theory of why.
  • This is VERY dependent on the features you are using and what you are using them for.

    A cylinder as primary, leveling Z can translate X and Y with no issues of any kind.

    A plane as primary, leveling Z can translate Z with no issues.
    If the secondary is a hole in that plate, it can translate X and Y prior to rotation.
    If the secondary is a plane or line, you can't translate that prior to rotating it, unless you magically happen to have the part sitting in whatever rotation the machine measured in and have it close enough you can't READILY SEE error. Maybe it is off .0010", maybe it is off .0005", maybe it is off .0021". How do you know that is alignment error versus part error?
    Put the part on 45° to the machine axes and try it, you'll have .121" error and KNOW it is the program not the part. Program might not even run if you are off far enough.

    Getting lucky shouldn't be your go to.

    Unless you KNOW otherwise, Level, Rotate, Translate.
  • Makes sense to me! Thank you for your insight.
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