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Different time measurements on the same machines


In my lab. We have two Hexagon Global Advantage 15.26.14 machines . We have problem with d
ifferent time measurements on this machines. We do the calibration of stylus and on first machine measurment takes 3.3h and on second takes 5h. Where is the problem? We have the same programs with the same parameters in program : hits, prehit/retract, move speed, touch speed. Parameters in the windows F9 and F10 are the same. Please show me the way to solutions this problem .

Greetings Ryan91
  • If machine A has a total of 110 probe angles loaded and takes 3.3 hours and machine B as a total of 200 probe angles loaded, taking 5 hours... your duration to calibrate all tips will absolutely differ.
    If both machines can execute an identical routine and they consume the same amount of time (± a few seconds), then all the machine's parameters are in fact the same, and you just need to cull the unnecessary probe angles from each probe file.

    Look up "listfiles.xlsm" in the forum search, and learn how to use this tool, which automatically populates a list of all loaded probes and their respective angles used in your routines.
    From there, you can produce a list of the NECESSARY probe angles for each machine... and then delete the probe angles present which are unnecessary. once you complete this for both machines, they will both have the same calibration times, and you might even improve on that 3.3 hours.
  • If machine A has a total of 110 probe angles loaded and takes 3.3 hours and machine B as a total of 200 probe angles loaded, taking 5 hours... your duration to calibrate all tips will absolutely differ.
    If both machines can execute an identical routine and they consume the same amount of time (± a few seconds), then all the machine's parameters are in fact the same, and you just need to cull the unnecessary probe angles from each probe file.

    Look up "listfiles.xlsm" in the forum search, and learn how to use this tool, which automatically populates a list of all loaded probes and their respective angles used in your routines.
    From there, you can produce a list of the NECESSARY probe angles for each machine... and then delete the probe angles present which are unnecessary. once you complete this for both machines, they will both have the same calibration times, and you might even improve on that 3.3 hours.
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