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2023.1 sp5

Metrology Software Distribution - /PC-DMIS-Versions/Release/2023.1/SP5/x64> (hexagonmi.com)

Release Notes - 2023.1 SP5

Application Errors
• You no longer get an application error when you try to create a generic construction
feature using generic feature arrays as the input. See PCD-249178.

Auto Features
• PC-DMIS now retains the selection of the CAD Offset check box from the previous
Auto feature to the next Auto feature. See PCD-247643.
• PC-DMIS now correctly creates a Cone feature from COP data when you select the
CAD Offset check box in the Feature Based Clipping area of the Auto Feature
dialog box. See PCD-247899.
• You can now correctly extract an Auto Cylinder feature when you select the
Remove outliers check box in the Laser Auto Feature dialog box. See

• PC-DMIS now generates the path lines faster. See PCD-247888.

Constructed Features
• The Construct Plane dialog box now correctly retains the selected features in the
feature list area when you switch the construction method between Best Fit and BF
Recomp for a Constructed Plane. See PCD-247418.

• You no longer need to re-execute the program when the Tracker Beam is reset after
the Operator comment message box is displayed. See PCD-241826.

GD&T Dimensions
• You can now see the correct per unit flatness and unit shape in the Feature Control
Frame Editor in the Feature Control Frame tab of the Geometric Tolerance dialog
box when you work with GD&T Selection Mode (from CAD). See PCD-212704.
• PC-DMIS now correctly handles the datums when you use the GD&T Selection
Mode (from File) option. This means, PC-DMIS no longer creates a constructed
feature set and references this set as the datum. Instead, the features are now
directly referenced as the datum. See PCD-213622.
• PC-DMIS no longer displays invalid features in the features list area in the Feature
Control Frame tab of the Geometric Tolerance dialog box when you use the
search box to filter the features. See PCD-245713.
• You can now see the size dimensions in the Report window when you migrate from
XactMeasure to Geometric Tolerance commands. See PCD-249215.

Laser Feature Extraction
• You can now see that when you use the CAD Offset option, PC-DMIS displays the
selected orange points in the Graphic Display window during the feature extraction
process. See PCD-244015.

• PC-DMIS now disables the options on the right side of the Pointcloud Operator
dialog box when you select the Create annotation points check box in the
Pointcloud Operator dialog box. See PCD-161680.
• PC-DMIS now sets the last used filter Type as the default in the PointCloud
Operator dialog box when you create a COP filter. See PCD-240929.
• PC-DMIS now correctly creates the COP Select Operator command when you click
OK in the Pattern Setup dialog box after you set the angular offset between pattern
occurrences and the number of times to offset a pattern. See PCD-243806.

• When you install PC-DMIS with a license that only has one specific portable
interface option, you can now see all the portable environments when you select the
Edit | Select Environment File menu option. Additionally, the appropriate portable
environment is automatically selected. See PCD-243210.

• PC-DMIS now correctly executes a measurement routine when you copy and
paste parameters from one Auto Line feature to another Auto Line feature. See
• You no longer get an error message stating that the illumination set is missing when
you run a measurement routine using automation. See PCD-246098.
• PC-DMIS now updates the DFQ file with the correct measured values for 2D and 3D
angles when you use the Multiple Execution Wizard. See PCD-247296.​