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This report was initially raised because a user was editing a DATDEF command and the change was not being reflected in subsequent geometric tolerance commands. It was found that the reason for this was because they had multiple DATDEF assignments for the same datum letter in the same routine. This should not be allowed and the work done under this report removes all mechanisms a user could have employed to create multiple DATDEF references for the same datum letter. The only remaining way for a routine to arrive in such a state is via migration. This is because XactMeasure worked differently to the geometric tolerance command and did allow users to create duplicate datum references. If an XactMeasure routine containing duplicate datum references is migrated into 2023.1, it will retain the duplicate DATDEF commands and will still function correctly. However, since the geometric tolerance commands maintain a direct link to specific DATDEF commands for any datums referenced, rather than reading up the program as XactMeasure did, users should exorcise caution if they subsequently edit a migrated routine and ensure they manually refresh all inter-related commands.
This report was initially raised because a user was editing a DATDEF command and the change was not being reflected in subsequent geometric tolerance commands. It was found that the reason for this was because they had multiple DATDEF assignments for the same datum letter in the same routine. This should not be allowed and the work done under this report removes all mechanisms a user could have employed to create multiple DATDEF references for the same datum letter. The only remaining way for a routine to arrive in such a state is via migration. This is because XactMeasure worked differently to the geometric tolerance command and did allow users to create duplicate datum references. If an XactMeasure routine containing duplicate datum references is migrated into 2023.1, it will retain the duplicate DATDEF commands and will still function correctly. However, since the geometric tolerance commands maintain a direct link to specific DATDEF commands for any datums referenced, rather than reading up the program as XactMeasure did, users should exorcise caution if they subsequently edit a migrated routine and ensure they manually refresh all inter-related commands.
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