Myself and another colleague were working on some Operator programs, and we were trying to find faster ways to incorporate Autocalibrate commands instead of them using the "Calibrate Tips" option from the Marked Set Window.
We were playing around with parameter sets, and were trying to find ways to avoid having to make a set for each program, but a set for each probe build instead. We created a parameter set with no tips selected.
And selected the option "Used in Routine" for the "Tips to use if none explicitly selected". It worked, and let us create this set, and we put that Parameter Set in the Autocalibrate command. It worked with no issues, even between Load Probe commands.
Is there a risk or downside to us streamlining the process in this manner? Has anyone else tried to use an Empty Parameter set in this manner?
Only problem is if probe angles are in a variable or hidden in a closed group. One way around this is to have the probe angles in the program with a go to statement to a label just past the rotations that are used as a variable.
Only problem is if probe angles are in a variable or hidden in a closed group. One way around this is to have the probe angles in the program with a go to statement to a label just past the rotations that are used as a variable.
Okay, good to know. I haven't had to use groups at all since I started here. I think in the past all the people who trained our employees before me never used Groups, so we have no programs with them.
If it came down to it I'd probably put my tips before each group, or just put all tips I'm using before the group, then mark them, that way they still get calibrated. I'm sure there's a way to wiggle around that.