Running 2023 R2.
I'm trying to put a new probe into our TP20 6-port probe rack, but for some reason it's the only one that won't load automatically. Ports 1-5 work normally, but when loading or unloading the new probe positioned in port 6, it asks me to manually remove the new probe before loading another probe or when trying to load the new probe. I checked port assignments, and the correct probe is specified for the port.
This is a shot in the dark, but have you used slot 6 in the past for anything?
And question for someone else does PC-DMIS automatically know whether that slot is within the machine zone limits? If so, does it compensate by asking you to just remove the probes manually?
This is a shot in the dark, but have you used slot 6 in the past for anything?
And question for someone else does PC-DMIS automatically know whether that slot is within the machine zone limits? If so, does it compensate by asking you to just remove the probes manually?