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If you are seeing variation pretty much exclusively in the Z axis, explain that to your boss.
--Maybe your composite part needs to be restrained?
--Maybe the template or jig they are using to cut the holes for the inserts has a defect on it (raised material/debris/damaged pocket or face) and needs to be repaired.
Comprehensively problem solve, instead of telling them "it's bad mmkay".
I guarantee not only will they value your approach, but you maybe could use it as leverage for a raise in the future.
We have some pretty large composite parts here, our issue tends to be that the primary datum is too small to control the part properly so we get wild variations in one axis while the other two are pretty close. If we use a best fit things looks pretty good, to the datums pretty bad.
If your CMM is failing to locate the holes you could always turn on manual hole finding.
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