Finally, I made a program for the wire, which used manual hits on a cylinder and a circle. After alignment, I found all X Y Z were upside down. really headache. Thank you for any help
Since ME wants to have some 2D measurement based on an unknown coordinate system of the wire. So I moved away all other components and started with that coordinate system.
Your image looks very similar to what happens when the Demon flips one of our Romer programs the wrong directions (seemingly due to the part and machine axis being close to 90deg or 180deg out of phase, which shouldn't matter but sometimes does)
Maybe try transforming your CAD before the alignment (start a new program, import the model, transform before any features) transform the part so it roughly matches how its sitting on your CMM then add your alignment features and try it out. Things might get clearer if x=x and y=y and z=z.
If they have some mystical coordinate system they want, you can always offset your alignment back to that location later.