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The Demon has been crashing on me a lot lately

I've come to expect the occasional Demon crash. But recently this bad boy is crashing an obscene amount more than usual. Typically happens after opening and closing about 3-4 programs during a session. Length of time between crashes doesn't matter; it can be rapid fire or several beats between each open/closing. The only thing I might have changed the past few weeks is opening the HOME page so I could take a gander at the sample programs on the HOME page. I can't for the life of me remember how to minimize that.

Otherwise I have no clue. In addition when the Demon wants to send a report I get a kicked back email telling me the email addy doesn't exist.


"If it bleeds, we can kill it."
-Dutch, Predator
  • We have also had crashes in 2021.2 when opening and closing programs. I noticed clearing out my "recent" list in the home page view helped reduce the crashes. Since the list goes on infinitely and does not cap out it seems. We have a lot of programs, so it had about 300 stored in memory. It does crash from time to time, but only if you open and close programs too quickly without giving it any time to breathe.

    I clear out the recent programs list every week now to be safe.

    In the settings editor you can change how many recent programs pc-dmis saves. In the "Option" cascade look for "MostRecentFileList" and you can change it to however many you would like.
  • Thanks, I've been meaning to look into settings editor options for that, it's just a hassle getting IT involved to allow us to run the changes.
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