What main purpose of save window layout
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What main purpose of save window layout
So that you can save different PC-DMIS layouts and quickly change between them.
an example might be, you have different CMM users who prefer the layout to be different, each user can have their own saved layout
Karrup do you understand what a "layout" is?
Yeah window tool.bar setting condition
exactly. save window layout allows you to save your custom configuration and allows others to do the same AND allows you to quickly cycle between all the different layouts.
Thanks lot
Thanks lot
Also, I have found that I get used to things being in the same spot. If users are using command mode and accidentally, or most times not accidentally, click on something they should not, trying to fix by clicking things they still do not know, layouts get messed up. With one easy click I can have the standard layout back to what it was before, and I can then chastise the individuals for clicking on things they should not be!!!
ALSO, I have found that sometimes stuff moves around, and recalling a layout gets the things to the same spot that I like.
Also, helpful for when people put the report window to full screen view too
Or back to full screen, if you swing that way...
Some people don't mind if literally 1/4 of their screen view is taken up by toolbars either...
ALSO helpful when you want to put the report window to a full screen when people want it smaller, which ever way you swing, swang, swung, or swong.
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