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I have been having issues with results in programs that have been running for 2 years. Ever since I updated to Version 2023 I am having an issue with probes. We run multiple programs daily with multiple star probes as we have a fixed head TIGO. The issue I am running into is programs will run great for days even weeks then all of a sudden results will go way out of tolerance on certain features. I think I have narrowed down the issue to 2 specific probes on one of the 5 ways. Position results using these 2 probes will go out of tolerance on multiple programs. Doing a runout check with indicators does not match the CMM results. We use the hand checks to double check when we see CMM discrepancies and they always match up well. I know probe profiles can get corrupted but am not certain how common this is. The funny thing is I can change out probes and re-calibrate and it may run great for another day or two even a week or it may not run at all. It has gotten worse the last month or so. I am getting really frustrated because I have never run into this problem before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I think you did calibration before running any programs.  

    What you said:  Everything went fine for days or weeks, suddenly related 2 specific probes on one of the 5 ways went wrong, tolerance on multiple programs went out. Then you have to change out probes and re-calibrate them. Then comes  another cycle..

    Do you have block gauges? You could check with block gauges when probes go wrong

  • Not really a solution, but you could add an AUTOCALIBRATE command in to the routine, or even a calibration check with an ONERROR command to test the results before proceeding.

  • Hmmm. Could these programs possibly be run from different probe files, potentially differing PCDMIS updates depending on how old the programs are? PCDMIS or whatever programs being used like inspect etc... could be defaulting back to a previous default probe location if programs are being ran from different sources? Just giving thoughts, don't know if this is possible, or if destinations for programs and probe files were changed after the update?

  • I would try replacing the 5 way star probe with a new one and see if it continues. The one you are using could have been damaged. As far as using an autocalibrate in a program I would not. If you have good programs that don't crash or error out you can avoid calibrations. We only calibrate on a weekly basis and all probes are cleaned for every shift. I also have a calibration check program that we can run when we suspect something is wrong. This is a lot quicker than a full calibration. My experience has been if you autocalibrate and only calibrate (marked used) that it can cause correlation issues with the other probes and probe angles.

    We do not have CMM's large enough to leave the calibration sphere on, so we have to remove it where I work now.

    Just my 2c

  • Thanks for the responses. The probes were calibrated multiple times and nothing looked out of the ordinary. I ended up blowing up that specific .PRB file and re-making it then re-calibrated and everything is looking good at the moment.