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Cell expressions in the header.

I need help... What cell expression should I add to get JOB NUMBER and PART NUMBER?

Thank you!

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  • Just for me, I find it easiest to include a script at the end of the program and pass it arguments for new values in the header. You can auto-increment, obtain them from operators, whatever works best. And that also avoids me having to change report and/or header formats.

    Sub Main(SN As String, PN As String, RN As String, SC As String)
      Dim App As Object
      Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
      Dim Part As Object
      Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
      Part.PartName = PN
      Part.StatsCount = SC
      Part.SerialNumber = SN
      Part.RevisionNumber = RN
      Dim Rep As Object
      Set Rep = Part.ReportWindow
    End Sub