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Report Shows Duplicate Dimensions

At first the report would have the measurements from the last part in addition to the current part, but its progressed to now it shows the dimensions an increasing number of time everytime I run a part. Right now my report is 23 pages long, for about 10 dimensions. It was initially 2 pages. I can turn off the cmm and computer and the next report will be 25 pages. Last report was 19 pages. Its just making the report ridiculous and I have to give the report to a customer I don't know what to troubleshoot.

Thank you guys. I'll try to take a video in a minute here

Parents Reply
  • God bless you. I changed from 'view last execute report mode' to 'view report mode' and now my report is back to two pages. I am using execute from cursor by intention so that the operator doesn't have to manually probe the first couple features for the manual alignment each time. I have the cursor on >mode/dcc line and just have the program run in all dcc with the operator placing the part in the same location with the fixturing each time. I know this isn't ideal but I havent had the time to learn how to setup programs in operator mode yet.
