Profile callout to four times (surfaces) ... do we create ONE primary plane from the four surfaces. THEN four separate planes to tolerance the profile four times? (from the primary plane)
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Profile callout to four times (surfaces) ... do we create ONE primary plane from the four surfaces. THEN four separate planes to tolerance the profile four times? (from the primary plane)
It's really ambiguous. Is it 4x profile reports? I presume the answer is no, as there's no x after the 4 in the "4 SURFACES AFTER ASSEMBLY" note
I think they added the note "4 SURFACES AFTER ASSEMBLY", to clarify that the profile applies as one measured result of four previously independent features of size, that have now been assembled into one plane with four connected planar segments.
So yeah, get clarification in writing from a QE or other individual with CDA (Controlling Design Authority) on how to measure it... But methinks it's 1x profile of the 4x assembled planes after they have been tied together.
It's really ambiguous. Is it 4x profile reports? I presume the answer is no, as there's no x after the 4 in the "4 SURFACES AFTER ASSEMBLY" note
I think they added the note "4 SURFACES AFTER ASSEMBLY", to clarify that the profile applies as one measured result of four previously independent features of size, that have now been assembled into one plane with four connected planar segments.
So yeah, get clarification in writing from a QE or other individual with CDA (Controlling Design Authority) on how to measure it... But methinks it's 1x profile of the 4x assembled planes after they have been tied together.
Thanks for the clarification! That makes total sense that its ONE surface after assembly. The "x" does makes sense now! Always good to get 2nd eyes on my questions. This site, and people, rock! THANKS again!
I will add.... if I create a plane using all four surfaces, don't I need a basic dimension? No PDD document is noted on this drwg. If I tell the CMM that the 'created plane' is zero.... well my profile will be zero...? What am I missing here. Sry, friday brain fog.
Its calling a profile with no datums, therefor it will rely on the min/max variation within your feature set as it relates to the nominal locations on the model to report out its profile value.
Select all your points on the four surfaces and create a feature set, then report the profile of that set.
Yes, agreed... but, since there is no PDD callout on the drwg (Y14.41 I believe) and there is no model to go off of (which wouldn't make a difference becuz the PDD is not called out).... then I would need a 'basic dimension', correct? As it stands... with no "basic dimension"... to me.... this should be a "Flatness callout". I did contact a designer and my QE....
... This IS the only dimension on the drawing. NO datum callouts... No basic dimensions anywhere.... I am sure they just want all four of those assemblies to be flat....within the whole plane. OR, give me a basic dimension and I believe I could use the profile tolerance. In my opinion.... Thanks EVERYONE who responded! Really appreciate it!!!
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