Is it necessary to rehome each time I open a different version of PC-DMIS on the same station? The CMM's original coordinates seem to be way off when I close one version and open another.
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Is it necessary to rehome each time I open a different version of PC-DMIS on the same station? The CMM's original coordinates seem to be way off when I close one version and open another.
Have these other versions of PC-DMIS been used in the past? I'm not entirely sure on this, but are the machine parameters correct?
Press F5 and under the Part/Machine tab and see if there's anything that sticks out on the versions with offset coordinates.
Has the machine ever been homed on them?
What are the versions you use and the last time you've used them?
We use 2020R1 and 2020R2 on our machine without homing between them. Both versions are mapped to the same probe directory.
Once the software has been set up the first time for machine parameters and probe rack locations it doen't seem to make any difference. Also when switching between them it does not prompt you to re-home the machine. It will ask you what probe is loaded at times but otherwise seamless.
Yeah that makes sense. I just wasn't sure if it keeps all parameters shared between old and new versions, like 2015 to 2023, since they added that machine environment thing
Yeah that makes sense. I just wasn't sure if it keeps all parameters shared between old and new versions, like 2015 to 2023, since they added that machine environment thing
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