Is there an easy way to tell from the program file what version it is? I tried right clicking the file and selecting Properties, but couldn't find it anywhere.
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Is there an easy way to tell from the program file what version it is? I tried right clicking the file and selecting Properties, but couldn't find it anywhere.
I''m not at the workstation but:
1. hover over the file.
2. go to program folder using windows directory. At my workstation it roughly goes like local drive-public-public documents-hexagon-pcdmis. Over there you might be able to find the version per each file.
I''m not at the workstation but:
1. hover over the file.
2. go to program folder using windows directory. At my workstation it roughly goes like local drive-public-public documents-hexagon-pcdmis. Over there you might be able to find the version per each file.
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