Has anyone ever seen a linear open or closed scan path do this after execution? I slowed down the scan speed but it still manages to break up. This is affecting my constructed features.
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Has anyone ever seen a linear open or closed scan path do this after execution? I slowed down the scan speed but it still manages to break up. This is affecting my constructed features.
Do you have have any filtering turned on? My guess is those points are being automatically filtered out as erroneous points.
No filtering is turned on. We did run another part and changed the stylus size from 3mm to 5mm and seems to have helped. Its strange though because the surface is pretty smooth. I'll continue to see if it gets any better and post results. Thank you everyone for the feedback its much appreciated.
No filtering is turned on. We did run another part and changed the stylus size from 3mm to 5mm and seems to have helped. Its strange though because the surface is pretty smooth. I'll continue to see if it gets any better and post results. Thank you everyone for the feedback its much appreciated.
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