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Good morning,

We have two kinds of probe heads equipped with our machines. Globel CMM ( Hexagon HH-AS6-T5 TKJ 5°) and Brown & Sharpe CMM (Renishaw PH10M). PCDMIS tries to automatically adjust probe angles but it set some of angles to "0" if it don't figure out.

Is there any method or formula to correctly translate right angles? 

  • The PH10 cannot rotate to negative A values.

    What you are asking, is like asking why, when you go to convert a Blu-Ray disc to VHS, the picture quality doesn't stay the same.  It's simply incompatible hardware.  Frankly, I'm impressed that the software will adapt the 5° increments to the 7.5° increments on its own. 

    You would need to comprehensively assess all necessary probe angles currently on your HH-AS6-T5, into probe angle equivalents for the PH10M.  There's no way to automate this conversion.

    Any -A values would have to be a positive value (180 out of phase) with B rotating to the same value.

  • I was looking for any diagram so it will be little easy. T1A-105N-90-> T1A105B90

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