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Constructed Cylinder Glitch from Scanned Cylinders

Hello. I created two auto-cylinders with 3 levels and as a Adaptive Cylinder Concentric Circle Scan. When you go into a constructed feature there is a plus sign with circle00-01-02. I created one cylinder from these two cylinders as there was a break in the bore that I had to specify two cylinders instead of just use one. 

The glitch is the constructed cylinder I made shoots the points all the way down the part. Is this just a graphical glitch and it should work fine or can you not construct a cylinder from these circle00-01-02's? When I save and leave the program and go back, my constructed feature for datum e loses the features highlighted and I have to reselect it. For some reason cylinder 2 is in red but I executed it. 

I had to go into the constructed feature and reselect the second cylinder as it was no longer highlighted. It doesn't make sense as some times both cylinders are in red. 

I am programming this all offline. I'm unsure if it will work as I've never constructed a cylinder like this. 


Parents Reply
  • How are you changing it in the edit window? It's not showing me the individual hits in the constructed feature. I tried selecting just cylinder 1 and 2 and they're highlighted but the edit window only shows cylinder 1....

    Find your original constructed cylinder command...

    Highlight the first DAT_E_CYL_1.ITEM[CIRCLE0] and change it by typing DAT_E_CYL_1.HIT[1..DAT_E_CYL_1.NUMHITS].  Then do the same for the second feature reference (typing DAT_E_CYL2.... this time), then delete the other feature references (highlight them and press delete, one at a time)

    You should also change the construction type from BF to BFRE.
