How do I protect my program from being edited by operators? version 2022.2
I don't see Edit->Protected Mode...and I have no clue how to open/enable "Operator Mode" (never used it)
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How do I protect my program from being edited by operators? version 2022.2
I don't see Edit->Protected Mode...and I have no clue how to open/enable "Operator Mode" (never used it)
You can also right click - preferences - set read-only mode on your programs to avoid someone screwing it up by mistake but that does not guarantee that while it is open someone cannot alter it (even if it will lose later modifs on closure). Having said that, PCDmis comes with a separate program called inspect which is an operator portal to just choose and execute programs. No complicated staff etc. Maybe you could give that a try.
You can also right click - preferences - set read-only mode on your programs to avoid someone screwing it up by mistake but that does not guarantee that while it is open someone cannot alter it (even if it will lose later modifs on closure). Having said that, PCDmis comes with a separate program called inspect which is an operator portal to just choose and execute programs. No complicated staff etc. Maybe you could give that a try.
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