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Reload Probe DAT File

We are running PC-DMIS CAD++ Version 2016.0 (Release) x64 Build# 1179 (Service Pack 10)

 The computer where our CMM software was corrupted and we lost everything on it. Reloaded everything, including PC-DMIS.

 When we start PC-DMIS it does not have any probe information, no probe changer, nothing in any drop down menus, nothing.

 The search path for the probe directory is “C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2016.0 64-bit\” and the actual  probe.dat path is "C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2016.0 64-bit\PROBE.DAT", which is correct. We don’t have a usrprobe.dat file.

 The probe.dat file is 518 KB and appears to have all the standard probe build information required.

 How do we correct this?


Thank You

Parents Reply

    No that's not correct.

    The Probe.dat file contains definitions of all the available components - probe heads, sensors, tips etc.  This is installed with PC-Dmis and should remain in the Program Files directory:

    C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2023.2 64-bit

    The probe files you create on the system (to reflect the actual hardware you assemble ) have a .Prb file extension.  These are stored (and accessed for use in a program) in the directory specified in the Set Serch Path options:


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