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Spinning blue wheel of death

We are running a program that normally does fine on our lab CMM, but one of the people on the production floor was running it on their CMM, and it keeps pausing.  Like it will take a hit or two, then you get the "spinning blue wheel of death" for between 10-30 seconds, then it will take another hit or two, then pause again for a while, take a few more hits, pause for a while, and so on.  It's getting ridiculous because it's literally turned an 8-minute program into at least twice that time now.  Any of you have any issues like this and have any recommendations?  We're running version 2021.2.

Parents Reply
  • We had controller errors with TCP/IP issues from time to time from our sister plant high speed CMM.   Does this mean the controller using TCP/IP connected with the PC? I think they might be an issue to use network drive during CMM running, both using TCP/IP and might have some conflicts in certain level.. 

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