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Trouble with report printing

I am having the following problems when printing reports;

When I run a new program for the first time, a report window is populated with all dimensions that I have created in the program and my template report "TEXT ONLY" is selected. I do not have to insert a "REPORT COMMAND" at the end of the file to get the report, I just open the report window and the report is there. I can then print it and save it if required. Works perfectly I believe. The problem starts the next time I run the program on another part. I change the serial number at the start of the program to keep track of the part being measured and run the program again. However, when I open the report window, all of my dimension data is there to be printed but there is no title block. It looks like it has changed to a different report template. I can then add a "REPORT COMMAND" at the end of the program, re-open the report window and I get the data and title block but it is duplicated. When I print I get two copies. All subsequent runs of the program do not output anything to the report window so I have to delete and re-insert the "REPORT COMMAND" in order to get any data output. Again, the data is duplicated so I get two copies when I print. Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong? The only other piece of information I can add is that the first run includes manual hits for initial alignment and subsequent runs are done from the second DCC alignment.

Thanks in advance, Glenn