Title- Is there any way to disable PC-DMIS from indexes the active probe tip to A0B0 at the end of my auto calibration routine?
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Title- Is there any way to disable PC-DMIS from indexes the active probe tip to A0B0 at the end of my auto calibration routine?
I believe he posted that and the question may have been answered in there as well. I am not entirely sure if he has tried what NinjaBadger said about changing the tip before the autocalibration command to something that is not TIP/T1A0B0 be what he wants it to be after it autocalibrates.
I believe he posted that and the question may have been answered in there as well. I am not entirely sure if he has tried what NinjaBadger said about changing the tip before the autocalibration command to something that is not TIP/T1A0B0 be what he wants it to be after it autocalibrates.
Yes I've tried that and it works, I'm just curious if there's a way to keep it from indexing at all at the end of an auto calibration. I'm pretty sure there's not because I've looked it up a bunch but I wasn't sure if someone might know something about it.
WOW... I didn't even notice that! I just remembered the post from a few days ago and referenced it without looking at the author! Forgive me Cole, my alcohol is low!! LOL
Haha no problem man.
I've not tested it, but you could try untick 'Reset Global Settings when branching' from the general tab in Setup (F5).
I'm not sure if the AutoQual command classes as branching.
*Note: if you use flow control already in your programs this could impact on those programs.
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