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2023.2 to 2024.1 migration issues

We have had 2024.1 installed for a week and are running into issues with 2023.2 programs running on 2024.1. It really hasn't been a running issue, but a calculation issue. Yesterday, a program I wrote that has a cylinder constructed form 2 auto circles wouldn't calculate the cylinder. I don't remember the error and I can't find the picture of it at the moment. The second problem program was last night and was an "error is best fit calculation" on an auto circle. Both problems were fixed by editing the individual circles and reselecting them on the cad. All the problem circles were scanned auto circles.

Anyone else having these issues?

  • If these are constructed BFRE circles then you may be running into a problem that we're already aware of and trying to remedy.  2024.1 included a change where we no longer allow BFRE constructions using features that don't have any compensation data.  Previously, the calculation would fail silently in the background and revert to BF (even though the command would still say BFRE) but this gave incorrect results in some cases - hence the need for the change.  Unfortunately, this looks like it is having unforeseen consequences so we are trying to come up with a better solution which could be provided in the next service pack (SP2).  As a temporary solution, try changing the constructions that are failing to BF instead of BFRE.

  • Unfortunately they are all already BF. We very rarely use BFRE.