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2021.1 Not showing the "crosshairs" or the basics for FCF Position

See below. 

I was migrating a program from 2020 R1 to 2021.1, and I had to redo the XactMeasure as it was updated to the new Geometric Tolerances.

Datum -A- is a cylinder, and the .364 is also a cylinder. So, its checking to make sure the .364 CYL is centered with Datum -A-.

2021.1 will not show the "crosshairs" like 2020R1 does on Geometric Tolerances. The report template I'm using is:"TEXTONLY_Header_Every_Page" What do i need to do to bring back the X/Y basics and the crosshairs. The basics are checked under the Nominals tab. I also deleted the GeoTolerance dimension and did a fresh one to no avail. 

Parents Reply
  • So backing up here. At a previous company, we went from 2012 MR1 to 2018 R2. We simply copied the template and header from the 2012 Reporting folder to the 2018 R2 folder and set the now copied report template as default. I assumed doing the same thing in this case would yield same results, but with the major change from 2020 R1 to 2021.1 with Geo Tolerancing, this sounds like it is simply not the case.
