Why do I have xml.uncompleted files in my DataPage folder that are not being imported into DataPage for viewing and is there a way to force import them?
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Why do I have xml.uncompleted files in my DataPage folder that are not being imported into DataPage for viewing and is there a way to force import them?
This incomplete file is generated when the execution is stopped when PC-DMIS is executing the data page command. I could not find any way to force import them to the datapage.
You can execute the dimension commands / datapage command once again after you see this file. After every execution I first check if the XML file is generated properly or else I would execute the dimensions again.
This incomplete file is generated when the execution is stopped when PC-DMIS is executing the data page command. I could not find any way to force import them to the datapage.
You can execute the dimension commands / datapage command once again after you see this file. After every execution I first check if the XML file is generated properly or else I would execute the dimensions again.
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