Looking for the model file of the Hexagon training part pictured. I could not find it in any of the training folders or anywhere else the IGS files are stored. I didn't know if someone had a copy somewhere they could send me...
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Looking for the model file of the Hexagon training part pictured. I could not find it in any of the training folders or anywhere else the IGS files are stored. I didn't know if someone had a copy somewhere they could send me...
Depending on the version of PC-DMIS you have, it will be in one of three places.
Adding on to Neil's comment, they are also available here
Not sure if you would know Neil, but did they ever make a specific CAD for this on the Visio? The model on the right is similar enough. Just curious.
I'm only aware of the HexagonDemoPart.igs (the one on the right).
Found it, thanks. I was only able to find it in the files for the 2015 version. Somewhere between now and then I think they discontinued that model.
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