I know that in order to apply a material boundary to a datum in a FCF the size of the datum needs to be output first. My question is, does the size output count when included in a position callout or does it have to be a stand-alone characteristic?
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I know that in order to apply a material boundary to a datum in a FCF the size of the datum needs to be output first. My question is, does the size output count when included in a position callout or does it have to be a stand-alone characteristic?
I believe PC-DMIS looks at the datum feature size limits as defined in the Geometric Tolerance command that it's being used in. You can test this by simply changing the limits of size within the Geometric Tolerance command and observing corresponding changes in the datum shift applied (through a change in the measured value).
See the "Datums with a material modifier" section in: How PC-DMIS Solves and Uses Datums (zoominsoftware.io)
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