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Weird behavior of CMM. PCdmis runs ok, Inspect not

Hello all.

So I am having this issue where in one of my programs the DCC alignment fails but only when I execute the program from Inspect (version5.1.210.0) and not within PCdmis V2017 R2. The program starts correctly, probes a circle and then moves 10mm away in inspect trying to probe the plane. In PCdmis, the plane is probed as expected and the program continues.

The program is in a read only location for many many years and all this time using PCdmis we did not have any issue. Using inspect, the problem arises. I also tested in a second machine and same thing happens. I though Inspoect was a UI portal for the operator so what gives? 

Any help will be much appreciate it.

PS: The program cannot be revised that easily and any change takes ages in my enterprise and this issue is impacting production and also makes production and management think less of me as I opted for Inspect :S

Parents Reply Children
  • Well the program is validated and I am unable to touch it without going over assessment and possible revalidation that can take weeks. From my point of view I see the points having shifted on X axis by a good 7-10mm or so when using inspect. The sequence goes like... read manual alignment, take the circle to set Y and Z values but while using Pcdmis the X value retains to the manual alignment, in Inspect the a shift is happening. For me to most important thing is understanding why Inspect behaves like this (in 2 different similar machines) while I am pretty sure, pcdmis is still the main program doing the calculations and dictates movement.   

  • Are you using the "Pallet" option in Inspect to run multiple parts?  Also, do you have Inspect set to make a local copy of the routine before executing or are you running the main "master" routine?

  • I don't have the pallet option no. Also I am executing directly the master routine without creating a copy.

    We just use inspect as the simplest tool there is for an operator to execute programs. No bar codes used, no pallet, nothing. Pick the folder execute the program, only this.

  • You NEED to justify somehow, that clicking the checkbox within inspect settings that enables the software to function properly (by allowing it to run with a copy) is an integral and necessary part of making Inspect pass the validation protocol.  Add a deviation to your change request if you must but inspect ABSOLUTELY NEEDS to run with read/write access.   The software engineers from Hexagon added that checkbox for this precise reason.

    You could even use Hexagon service desk to your advantage here, if you need affirmation (for your validation protocol deviation) of how this toggle functions and its intent to enable read-only files to work within Inspect... reach out to the service desk and let them know you need a written memo explaining the function and how it is necessary.

  • I am not sure why this is an option then if it needs to be there is the first place. In any case we have been using Inspect for many different codes for close to a year now in 10 machines with no issue with our current settings. Not sure why this is the sole case of such behavior. I will anyhow test by using the run as copy just to see if it will improve anything. Thanks

  •  Do you think making a local copy will resolve the issue? Have you seen this in the past or even reported to you guys?

  • Since you say your program is validated and you are not allowed to modify it, you should definitely have Inspect set to make a local copy.  This guarantees that Inspect always takes the original, (validated) routine and copies it locally before executing.  Data would only ever be saved to that local copy which is discarded after execution.

    Running the master routine should behave exactly the same was as running a copy but the copy gives you extra protection.  It is very easy for an operator to accidentally add unwanted move points (by accidently pressing the teach button on the jogbox for example).  This would easily go unnoticed when running through Inspect because PC-DMIS is hidden.  Allowing Inspect to always run a local copy means that changes - accidental or otherwise - would never be saved to your validated maser routine.

  • Well the programs are stored in a read only network folder on a daily backup routine. Remotes are not really used by production and protected modes are enabled in PCDMIS. Also I doubt it is possible to modify anything and save the change while using Inspect. In any case, I need our IT support in order to change settings in Inspect to try with the local copy execution (at this point I highly doubt this will fix anything). 

    Brainstorming here... Is it possible that inspect sees the X axis in inches instead of mm and thus behaves weird in this case only? At this point I am totally lost and I stat to worry that other validated programs will follow the same behavior ultimately making it a huge risk for NCs.

  • If you want to resolve it, Get IT to implement the checkbox change.  Fill out a protocol deviation (or whatever bureaucratic crap you need to jump through) to justify the change.

    PCDMIS, going back to its origins, has ALWAYS had issues with file usage when it is not locally stored on the PC that is controlling the system.

  • Thanks, I will do the necessary and report back