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How is Datum B constraining the Position tolerance?

Hi guys. I have the attached print and they are saying the position tolerance is out. I am measuring on my CMM using a cylinder for Datum A and then for Datum B using a midplane constructed between planes on each of the faces at the top that make the 1.000 dimension. I decided to run it without Datum B and I get the exact same result, or with just one face instead of the midplane and get the exact same. Got me thinking, what is datum B even constraining for the position tolerance? I am thinking that datum A constrains the orientation and "concentricity" of the two cylinders. So datum B would be an extra orientation constraint? but since Datum A is first, the orientation of datum A would trump that of datum B making Datum B useless. I am probably wrong, still new to this any advice is welcome. Thank you

  • Make -a- datum cylinder axis as long as humanly possible.   

    This drawing is terrible. 

    1: -A- datum is ambiguous as there's five interrupted cylinders.  Is the datum just the middle one, or all five features of size there?

    2: -B- datum cannot be a "width" between the same vectors like that.  I agree with Neil, that -B- datum should be defined and tied to the bottom extension line of that 1.00" dimension, clarifying the -B- datum as the one planar flange.

    The 1" protrusion/boss to the hub flange has no significance to B datum.  The perpendicularity should be only tied to that -B- datum flange face.

    If you are getting parts that are out of spec, using A to B, reverse the datums... making B primary and A secondary, and see how the true position comes out.  give that info to dumb engineer.

  • Make -a- datum cylinder axis as long as humanly possible.   

    This drawing is terrible. 

    1: -A- datum is ambiguous as there's five interrupted cylinders.  Is the datum just the middle one, or all five features of size there?

    2: -B- datum cannot be a "width" between the same vectors like that.  I agree with Neil, that -B- datum should be defined and tied to the bottom extension line of that 1.00" dimension, clarifying the -B- datum as the one planar flange.

    The 1" protrusion/boss to the hub flange has no significance to B datum.  The perpendicularity should be only tied to that -B- datum flange face.

    If you are getting parts that are out of spec, using A to B, reverse the datums... making B primary and A secondary, and see how the true position comes out.  give that info to dumb engineer.
