I found a work around though. I added features to the fixturing that allow me to re-zero, after I rotate. These are calibrated features to the centerline of the rotary. So after measuring the calibrated features (a flat and a bushing), I run a part program for that side of the part. I typically have 4 to 8 programs, depending on the complexity of the part.
If you figure it out, let me know. I may have some time soon to experiment. I will soon get a few parts for which I can not do my tried and true trick.
I found a work around though. I added features to the fixturing that allow me to re-zero, after I rotate. These are calibrated features to the centerline of the rotary. So after measuring the calibrated features (a flat and a bushing), I run a part program for that side of the part. I typically have 4 to 8 programs, depending on the complexity of the part.
If you figure it out, let me know. I may have some time soon to experiment. I will soon get a few parts for which I can not do my tried and true trick.