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New Guys here

Hi everyone, we have a 3 month old Romer Arm and are very happy with it so far. I have a couple of questions, possibly glitches with it. One is when you start a new program and begin taking "hits" nothing but the labels show up but if you save, close, and restart the program all the lines, circles, ect... are there ??

Another one is the light.....it blinks and we were told that it will only blink when you take a "hit". Ours blinks off and back on about every 2 seconds.

Thanks for the help.......TT&D in MN
  • Welcome ttd, and congrats on the purchase. Which lights on your arm shouldn't be blinking on and off? The ones near the base or near the probe? If it's near the base, maybe it's a low battery warning?
    If your arms only 3 months old, you should be able to get someone from the company that sold it to you to either help you on the phone or come take a look at it.